86 m2 living area and is the net area of the apartment which makes it with more that 20% larger than the normal sized according to the up-to-date standards for built-up area
lounge with kitchenette, 2 bedrooms, separate shower-room and toilet, terrace
The Watermill complex, Saint Vlas /Sveti Vlas, Bulgaria, is locatedat a distance of250 metersfrom the beach andthe attractivemarina"MarinaDinevi".
The complex consists offivebuildingsare109separateapartments.
Inarchitectural terms"The Watermill"complex remindstypicalBulgarianRevival style, which is thetrademarkof the complexesunder the brand"Dinevi".
Welllandscapedgrasslandscontribute tothe appearanceof the complex andits unique atmosphere,enhanced by theattractionsituatedin the center- workingmill.